Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tarun Latest Gossips

Lover Boy with Chocolate image Tarun was once a heart beat for young girls who adored his Telugu speaking abilities and cute face. Even puffy heroine Aarthi Agarwal was top on his list and we know about the rounding rumors on their unraveled relation which spoilt both their careers.

Aarthi Agarwal never to miss her age has got married to one of the software engineers and got divorced with in months showing it in a focus that, she is destined to go for a successful second marriage. But, who is that lucky second guy in her marital life....few weeks ago the third guy in her life is gossiped to be villain Mukul Dev who got hot touches of Aarthi through next release ‘Neelaveni.’

To break all this jinx, Filmanagr sources are strongly opining that Tarun and Aarthi travelling in the same boat by their past misdeeds wants to get back on their old strained relation and proceed forwards together in their careers and lives.

It is known that Tarun and Aarthi are still interested in each other but were worried about the reactions of family members for such reunion. Well, something a great shock is indeed needed for both to get back onto their success tracks.

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